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The Havre Invitational Tennis Tournament was set up as a double elimination tournament bracket for six different catagories. The six brackets were for: Girls' Doubles, Boys' Doubles, Girls' Singles for #1 and #2 seeds, Girls' Singles for the #3 & #4 seeds, Boys' Singles for #1 and #2 seeds, and Boys' Singles for #3 & #4 seeds. The Cut Bank teams played well landing players into the championship matches in Four of the Six brackets. The Lady Wolves played well once again as they claimed two of three championships. Dakota Dosch won the Girls 1-2 Singles defeating her teammate Paige Johnson in the finals of the the Girls 1-2 while Megan Barrettl\ finished as the champion in the Girls 3-4 Singles. Riley Bird / Macy Curtiss finished 4th in doubles for the girls. Jordan Castle won the 3-4 singles championship for the Boys.

No team sccores could be kept due to the unbalanced rosters of the teams involved.

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