2013 NW Divisional Tournament

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The Fairfield Eagles claimed the title at the 2013 North West Divisional Tournament held in Great Falls, Montana. The
Eagles put up 55 points followed by Cut Bank with 38, Conrad 29, Choteau 15, Simms 7 and Valier 0. The boys' title was
claimed by Conrad with 34 points followed by Cut Bank with 31.

Fairfield was also in charge of organizing and running the tournament. We were unable to provide our web audience with
tournament packet information as we didn't receive any until the day of the tournament.

Click on the links below for results on the NW B/C Divisional Tournament.
All boys and the top Eight (8) girls' singles along with the top Five (5) girls' doubles
teams will advance to the STATE TOURNAMENT in Missoula Thursday-Saturday, May 16th-18th.

           Boys SinglesBoys Doubles

           Girls SinglesGirls Doubles


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Copyright @Jim Gregg jimg@bresnan.net