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Purple & Gold Intersquad Match Play

@ Cut Bank 3/24/07       

Schedule for Purple Gold Matches on Saturday, March 24th
Winner noted in red
Time Court 1 Score Court 2 Score Court 3 Score Court 4 Score
9:00 Brett vs. Jeremy  5-3 Spencer vs. Cody  6-3 Melissa vs. Callie  3-3 Danni vs. Marla  7-1
9:30 Steven vs. Jeremy  5-3 Reid vs. Brian  6-3 Melanie vs. Beth  5-1 Kelsey vs. Kellie  4-3
10:00 Spencer vs. Josh  7-3 Carl vs. Jace  5-3 Billy vs. Aaron  3-2 Jessica vs. Natalie  4-1
10:30 Josh vs. Cody  5-5 Brett vs. Steven  4-4 Brandon vs. Luke  3-2 Melody vs. Natalie  1-1
11:00 Luke vs. Billy  2-2 Brian vs. Carl  5-3 Danni vs. Melissa  4-4 Callie vs. Marla  4-4
11:30 Aaron vs. Brandon  8-0 Jace vs. Reid  5-4 Kelsey vs. Jessica  3-2 Kellie vs. Melanie  5-2
12:00 Parent   Meeting   Courts    R - Open  
12:30 Jeremy vs. Cody  6-5 Brian vs. Spencer  5-3 Callie vs. Danni  4-2 Melissa vs. Marla  6-2
1:00 Carl vs. Reid  5-2 Steven vs. Josh  4-3 Kelsey vs. Melanie  4-2 Melody vs. Jessica  4-3
1:30 Brandon vs. Billy  4-4 Steven vs. Cody  5-4 Aaron vs. Luke  5-3 Beth vs. Kellie  9-0
2:00 Brian vs. Jeremy  3-3 Brett vs. Josh  5-5 Natalie vs. Jessica  3-2 Beth vs. Melody  4-0
2:30 Luke vs. Jace  9-1 Reid vs. Billy  5-1 Natalie vs. Kellie  5-1 Kelsey vs. Melody  4-3
3:00 Brandon vs. Jace  9-0 Spencer vs. Reid 5-4 Aaron vs. Carl  7-1  Cody vs. Brett  4-3
**Report to the courts 1/2 hour ahead of the time you're scheduled to play and be ready to play.
**Limit warm up to 5 minutes including serve
**When time is called report your game score (if you are in the middle of a game it doesn't count)
**We're on a tight schedule so please hustle on and off the courts
**Dress appropriately
**All matches are NO-ADD scoring (1-2-3-game{receiver's choice at 3 all})
*A Varsity Ladder will be posted by next Monday on our web site

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Copyright @Jim Gregg jimg@bresnan.net